AcasăPoezii EnglezăTemptation Descends

Temptation Descends

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The poem, „Temptation Descends,” delves into the theme of temptation as a mysterious and supernatural force descending from the heavens. It profoundly and destructively impacts the soul, weaving a narrative of struggle, loss, and the quest for redemption amidst the ironclad grip of its allure.

Temptation Descends
Temptation Descends

Temptation Descends

Temptation descends from the heavens so high,

Down a misty path from a clear, serene sky,

Bringing forth torment, a venomous sting,

Embodiment of pain, a divine, fiery fling.


Through branches that rustle and whisper in wind,

Temptation emerges, my soul to rescind,

Casts me from heaven, into the earth’s din,

Lays between us a coffin, of ironclad skin.


In my thoughts, it looms, like a transient cloud,

A cold, icy notion, in solitude shroud.

I try to hide, yet its presence is near,

In a garden of iron bars, my fate appears clear.


I find myself in a world, forgotten and bare,

Where only shadows and thieves choose to dare.

I try to forget the temptation from sky,

For it quenched my hope, left me dry.


Temptation, once sudden, that made me believe,

That I was blooming, in its deceitful weave,

Now sits in the endless sky, watching me fade,

As I perish, unfulfilled, in the bed it made.

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Cumpără cărțile în limba română: Librăriile Cărturești sau Internațional: AMAZON!


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