AcasăPoezii EnglezăShades of Sorrow

Shades of Sorrow

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In the realm of poetry, emotions often serve as the primary colors with which a poet paints their canvas. „Shades of Sorrow” delves into the profound impact of sadness on our perception of reality.

Shades of Sorrow

In the clasp of sorrow’s sight,
Every joy turns bittersweet,
Flowers, bright with morning’s light,
Cast shadows at our feet.

Through the lens of lingering pain,
Even vibrant hues turn gray,
Floral wreaths in memory’s lane,
Mark where happiness lay.

In the grasp of grief’s cold hand,
Time’s vibrant tapestry fades,
Even under sunlit land,
Joy in sorrow’s shade cascades.

Yet, this melancholy view,
A lens of heart, not of the eye,
Shows not the world in its true hue,
But a soul’s somber sky.

What’s seen in sorrow’s dimming light,
Is not the world’s sincere part,
But a reflection of internal night,
A canvas of the heart.

For sadness, like a veil, obscures
The colors life displays,
Only when our view ensures,
Can we see through the haze.

Sorrow’s not the world’s true face,
But a filter we engage,
A perspective, a mental trace,
A stage in life’s grand page.

And as we learn to shift our gaze,
To see through brighter lens,
The world, alight in countless ways,
Begins to make amends.

For joy is there, in every sight,
Waiting to be found,
When heart and mind, in their own right,
Choose to look around.

Shades of Sorrow
Shades of Sorrow

Literary Analysis: Shades of Sorrow

Interplay of Joy and Sorrow

„Shades of Sorrow” explores the intricate relationship between internal emotions and external perceptions. The opening lines set the stage for this exploration:

„In the clasp of sorrow’s sight,
Every joy turns bittersweet,”

Here, the juxtaposition of joy and sorrow is a recurring motif, emphasizing that emotional state significantly influences perception of the world.

Power of Floral Imagery

Floral imagery, especially the depiction of flowers casting shadows, is a potent metaphor. It’s skillfully employed to illustrate the transformative effect of sorrow:

„Flowers, bright with morning’s light,
Cast shadows at our feet.”

This metaphor conveys how beauty can be overshadowed by sadness and how vibrant life aspects can remind of its transient nature and inevitable losses.

Perception as a Reflection of Internal State

The middle stanzas delve into the idea of perception being a reflection of internal state. It’s emphasized that it’s not the external world changing, but the internal lens:

„Yet, this melancholy view,
A lens of heart, not of the eye.”

This insight suggests that sorrow is not just an emotion but a perspective that can cloud the view of reality.

Finding Light in Darkness

The poem concludes with a hopeful message. It suggests that shifting perspective can reveal the joy hidden beneath the veil of sorrow:

„For joy is there, in every sight,
Waiting to be found.”

These lines encourage the search for positivity, indicating that happiness is always present, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.


„Shades of Sorrow” not only captures the essence of sadness but also provides a pathway towards finding light in the darkness. It serves as a reminder that perception of the world is heavily influenced by internal emotions, and changing perspective can alter the experience of life.

Cumpără cărțile în limba română: Librăriile Cărturești sau Internațional: AMAZON!

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