„Lost in Love’s Labyrinth” captures the essence of navigating the intricate pathways of affection and longing. The verses paint a vivid picture of a soul’s endeavor to find warmth in a world overshadowed by doubt. As you delve into its lines, the poem offers a heartfelt narrative of perseverance, love’s trials, and the undying hope of rekindling a once-bright flame.

Lost in love’s labyrinth
In darkness I hide, when your light fades away,
Alone and despaired, with no hope to allay,
With sorrow deep-rooted, love’s ember turned gray,
Yet I muster the strength, on this journey to stay.
On pathways so muddied, through tempests
I tread, Lost in the gusts, by my heart’s yearnings led,
Seeking the legend, of love’s purest thread,
But in this sightless realm, I’m misled instead.
Through quagmires I wander, for a glint of your glow,
To feel once again, love’s passionate throw,
Yet in this world’s blindness, fairness doesn’t show,
And I’m left yearning, in this sorrowful woe.
Stumbling, I search, for our love’s radiant beam,
Yet find myself trapped, in a desolate dream,
Where stars don’t shimmer, and no moonlight does gleam,
In this silent abyss, where no hopeful eyes gleam.
Versiune în limba română: https://www.tonisao.ro/cand-celalalt-iti-stinge-lumina/
Books: https://carturesti.ro/autor/antoniu_sintimbrean
More in english: https://www.tonisao.ro/category/poezii-engleza/