AcasăPoezii EnglezăLocked in the Coffin of Desires

Locked in the Coffin of Desires

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„Locked in the Coffin of Desires” is a melancholic and introspective poem that delves into the emotions of confinement and longing. In this evocative piece, the poet explores the feeling of being trapped within one’s desires, akin to being enclosed in a coffin. The verses paint a vivid picture of a desolate world and a yearning heart, as the speaker grapples with the profound complexities of life and existence. This poignant exploration of the human condition invites readers to contemplate the depths of their own desires and the consequences of their pursuit.

Locked in the Coffin of Desires

Locked in the Coffin of Desires


In the somber world, beneath the desolate sky,

Feels like a coffin, in which I lie.

Golden flecks in the night’s sphere,

Stirring deep cravings, wishing you were here.


Among the lost trees, where green leaves sway,

Hidden desires, unnoticed, in delay.

Hours slip past in this barren expanse,

My heart obeys the coffin’s silent trance.


Pale eyelids droop in a final embrace,

My life drifts like a cloud, leaving no trace.

Beside me, the sky’s desolation spreads,

In the coffin’s cold, where death treads.


Scattered in the stars, bright living fires gleam,

Brushing the moonlit sky, like a dream.

In humble silence, my life ebbs away,

Soul cast in the coffin, in the astral array.


In this waxen coffin, adrift so high,

In a frozen chamber, where only cold can vie.

Lost in a desert, yet still I strive,

Like a lone tear, forgotten, yet alive.


Among the stars, where fires burn bright,

The sky grazes the moon, in the quiet night.

My existence gently fades into the infinite,

In the coffin of desires, my soul submits.


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Cumpără cărțile în limba română: Librăriile Cărturești sau Internațional: AMAZON!

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