AcasăPoezii EnglezăExtent in Resignation

Extent in Resignation

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„Extent in Resignation” dissects the complexities of emotional desolation and the quiet acceptance of life’s relentless march. It reflects on the profound encounters with the self and the cosmos, crafting a narrative of inner turmoil and the search for peace amidst existential dread.

Extent in Resignation

In the lengthening shades where the far lines call,
Horizons conquer, standings tall;
Stares like ice and petals’ fall
In blues that fade at twilight’s pall.

Leaves’ detritus on the chilled gale thrown,
Branch remnants where the wild winds have blown,
And feelings across dead pathways sown,
Glow, forgotten, in the grave alone.

Opaque panes stretch over silent bounds,
The barricades stand without their sounds,
In the soul, emotion deeply wounds,
Lockless, lidless, in abyssal rounds.

Misted visions in reflection died,
Sustenance for the dead supplied,
Abandoned shadows, to darkness tied,
Adrift in the arcane, the heavens’ wide.

Sins that court the pull of quietus,
With infusions of earth’s own righteous;
Loves lost within the night’s secretive fuss,
Many yearnings into the void thrust.

Stone paths lead to acrid hearts,
Leaden loves, from balance depart;
Lights that lie, revealing in parts,
And murky waters drown the hopeful arts.

Extent in Resignation
Extent in Resignation

Literary Analysis: Extent in Resignation

The opening lines of „Extent in Resignation” set a tone of majestic despair with horizons symbolizing the vast span of life’s experiences and the ‘ice and petals’ reflecting life’s fragile beauty juxtaposed with its chilling trials:

„In the lengthening shades where the far lines call,
Horizons conquer, standings tall;”

This imagery conveys a feeling of insignificance against the grand backdrop of existence, a theme that is deeply resonant throughout the poem.

The middle stanzas delve into the inner conflict and the weariness of a soul burdened by life’s relentless pace:

„And feelings across dead pathways sown,
Glow, forgotten, in the grave alone.”

Here, the pathos of forgotten struggles and the glow of past emotions suggest the inescapable reality of oblivion, which inevitably claims all fervor and feeling.

As the poem progresses, it moves towards an existential crisis, where love and sin intertwine, suggesting the intrinsic link between our deepest desires and our darkest moments:

„Sins that court the pull of quietus,
With infusions of earth’s own righteous;”

This paradoxical coupling reveals a nuanced understanding of the human psyche, grappling with the dichotomy of right and wrong within the scope of love’s demise.

The final verses reflect a profound resignation to the forces that govern life, love, and death, with the ‘stone paths’ and ‘murky waters’ symbolizing the treacherous journey and the ultimate submersion into the abyss of lost hopes:

„And murky waters drown the hopeful arts.”

In this line, the engulfing waters represent the overwhelming despair that often accompanies life’s trials, yet there is a suggestion of acceptance, a subdued acknowledgment of the natural order of suffering and the pursuit of hope against it.

„Extent in Resignation” is a meditative homage to the resilience required to confront the vastness of existence and the personal resignation that comes with understanding one’s place within it. The poem doesn’t just lament but also subtly celebrates the stoic acceptance of the unalterable tide of events that shape the human experience.

Cumpără cărțile în limba română: Librăriile Cărturești sau Internațional: AMAZON!

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