AcasăPoezii EnglezăEchoes of Choices

Echoes of Choices

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In ‘Echoes of Choices’, the depths of life’s journey are explored, emphasizing the significance of our decisions and their lasting reverberations. This poem captures the essence of life’s moments, the echoes of our actions, and the power of choice in shaping our destiny. Through evocative imagery and poignant reflections, readers are invited to ponder the choices they make and the echoes they leave behind.

Echoes of Choices
Echoes of Choices

Echoes of Choices

Our life is a tapestry of moments, woven with threads of time,
Happiness, the echo of our deeds, a harmonious chime.
We cry out for aid, yet only our voices resonate,
For in this vast universe, we are our own advocate.

Yet, if we don’t cherish each moment, each fleeting chance,
As a golden opportunity for life’s intricate dance,
What echoes will reverberate, from which deeds will they spring?
For in the end, we are but the sum of choices we bring.

As the final curtain descends, what tale will our life narrate?
Looking back, amidst the echoes, what memories will we curate?
Will we see a canvas painted with love’s vibrant hue?
Or a somber portrait, tinged with regret and rue?

We yearn for a life of joy, purpose, and elation,
Yet often tread paths leading to despair and desolation,
Hoping for another to light our way, to bring bliss,
Yet, true happiness is a journey only we can commence.

Drifting in the ether of a life on autopilot’s trance,
Yet, with a conscious choice, we can change the dance.
To be the sculptors of our joy, our destiny’s own muse,
To hear the echoes of our love, the path we choose.

Fortunately, no matter how bleak or mundane our past might seem,
If we seize the reins now, we can still chase our dream.
For time is but a canvas, waiting for our brush’s sweep,
With every moment, a promise of happiness to keep.

Cumpără cărțile în limba română: Librăriile Cărturești sau Internațional: AMAZON!

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