AcasăPoezii EnglezăA Desolate Soul

A Desolate Soul

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„A Desolate Soul” offers a profound insight into the depths of human emotions and the intricacies of the heart. Through its verses, the poem navigates the complexities of love, longing, and the inevitable moments of melancholy. It provides a window into the soul’s odyssey, emphasizing the peaks of happiness and valleys of sadness that shape our lives.

A Desolate Soul
A Desolate Soul

A Desolate Soul


The soul’s light in its grandeur does shine,

When a tender heart suddenly intertwines,

And love, from a fleeting frame, does rise,

Rejoicing the moment you grace the skies.


The color’s magnificence within me does show,

Like swift winds that make the clouds blow,

Like a mournful bird, its song it pours,

In the decaying woods of our heart’s outdoors.


The living flame that in your face does gleam,

Is my guiding blue light, a dreamer’s dream,

And your smile, like rain’s gentle cue,

Makes me soar the skies, feeling anew.


The gentle breeze that now does flow,

Feels like an infusion of love’s afterglow,

And the pure love, seemingly drowned in spree,

Will reach the shore, like a broken tree.


The ticking clock now stands still in place,

And my heart is caught in a fiery embrace,

Time’s bitter hand has now ceased its art,

For in my heart, I’ve seen your part.


The vast universe, endless and wide,

Holds a love, boundlessly tied,

And the bright stars scattered in the night,

Dance in the vault, leaving me in twilight.


The illusion of soaring the sky so high,

Shatters instantly, like a worn-out lie,

The moment your rainy smile does show,

Makes my soul heavy, with sorrow’s blow.

Literary Analysis: „A Desolate Soul”


„A Desolate Soul” is a masterful blend of vivid imagery and profound emotion. The poem begins with a celebration of the soul’s luminosity, suggesting an inherent brightness within every individual. The intertwining of the „tender heart” symbolizes the deep connections we form, emphasizing the transformative power of love.

The poem’s central theme revolves around the duality of existence. While there are moments of profound joy, like the „guiding blue light” and the „soaring skies,” there are also instances of profound sorrow, as seen in the „decaying woods” and the „broken tree.” This juxtaposition beautifully captures the highs and lows of the human experience.

The „ticking clock” and the „vast universe” serve as reminders of our mortality and the infinite nature of time and space. Despite the vastness and unpredictability of the universe, the poem suggests that love remains a constant, binding force.

The poem concludes with a powerful image of shattered illusions and the weight of sorrow. The „rainy smile” serves as a metaphor for fleeting happiness, emphasizing the transient nature of joy.

In essence, „A Desolate Soul” is a reflection on the human condition, capturing the myriad emotions that define our journey through life. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and pain that coexist in our world, urging readers to embrace both with open hearts.

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